SRK vs Gavaskar

If you aren't sick of my sarcasm, read on...
For those of you who have not watched the news in the past two days you missed Shahrukh Khan's rather aggressive response to an article by Sunil Gavaskar, in Sunday's Hindustan Times, on John Buchanan, the coach, of SRK's IPL team . It was a fair critique on the coach and his mentality, and was backed by facts and logic. Yet SRK took offense. Ironically, the point that Shahrukh took most offense to (John Buchanan's multiple captain theory) was not even discussed. Mr. Gavaskar thought that if he did discuss it he would give it more importance than it deserved. (I just loved that line in the article)
While people sometimes disagree with Mr. Gavaskar's opinion, everyone always respects it.
King Khan on the other hand showed little respect. Shahrukh did offer the usual disclaimers about how he has been a Gavaskar fan, and how much he respects the legend blah blah blah, but his comments reflected a different tone. There were two in particular that were disrespectful, arrogant, classless and frankly did not make any sense.

Comment # 1- "This is an era where Mr. Gavaskar has not indulged in." (referring to the T20 game)
Question for you Mr. Khan- Is this an era where John Buchanan has indulged? Is Mr. Buchanan the Godfather of the T20 game? The answer is an unequivocal no. So that point holds no weight whatsoever. In addition, I am not sure why Buchanan, having never led a team, knows more about what kind of leadership will work on a field over the former Indian captain.
Comment # 2- "I am the owner of the team. I bought it. If he wants to implement something, let him buy a team."
Let this be a warning to all you film critics out there, if you criticize a movie or performance of Shahrukh expect this response, "I acted in this film, if he thinks my performance was bad, let him act in his own movie." Tread carefully Mr. Khalid Mohammed. To continue talking about this statement of SRK's is a waste of time, it is clear how ridiculous it sounds.
As far as the multiple captains theory goes, being a business student I fall back on Henri Fayol, one of the most influential contributors to the modern concept of management. In his 14 principles of management, principle number 4 talks about Unity of Command- each worker should have only one boss, with no other conflicting lines of command. But then again, what does Mr. Fayol know, he didn't win 11 Filmfare awards.
In my view all Shahrukh should have done is simply not comment. Or if he did feel the need to, a simple, "I respect his views, his knowledge of the game is paramount. Yet we are experimenting with some things, hopefully it will work out for us." would have sufficed.
But alas, he went another way...
Photo Credit of Shahrukh Khan: Deshakalyan, Getty Images
totally agree srk must apologise
ReplyDeleteI'm liking the blog dude. Keep up the good work.
ReplyDelete- Tariq.
Perhaps with four Captains, one can be in charge of prodution, the other of Direction, the third of Choreography (Hopefully Ganguly given his Bolywood moment at Lords)and the fourth of casting.
ReplyDeleteAfter all, both bollywood flicks and IPL games last approximately 3 hours.
Good one ..makes perfect sense. SRK needs to understand when to speak and when NOT to speak. He's really made a fool of himself on this one - not unlike what he's been doing in his recent movies!
ReplyDeleteSRK can't handle critcism or failure because the poor fellow and his arm sling suffer from a complex exacerbated by
ReplyDelete1) his coterie of hanger ons who suck up to him daily
2) Rab ne banayi jodi and the audience rejection of his cute, overgrown stuttering ways not in 1 but 2 roles
3) the fact that he made it without a godfather and looks in an industry obsessed with both in equal measure (The dissolution of (rightful) pride into ego mania - Part Uno)
4) His opinion of his superior intelligence (The dissolution of (rightful) pride into ego - Part Deux)
5) Amnesia - he's forgotten that we don't live in Saudi Arabia. It is a democracy - there is free speach and you can differ with the King.
6) Deep deep sensitivity
I salute Gavaskar for not making a comment in retort. Whats the point? Alas, the King has lost his sense of humour.
God save the King
Agreed. But even Gavaskar was a bit harsh - with words like "failed former cricketer making a living telling international players to do what he couldn't do".
ReplyDeleteRegd Fayol ji's principle # - lets Citibank has a Business Head for Credit Card's in India - whom does he report to - Citibank India's Country manager - or Citibank's worldwide Credit Card Head in NY - or as is most often the case - both of them?
i agree with vineet.. sunny did get a little to personal in his comments on JB, i guess little men have big ego's... Sunny though, was i think right, the multiple captian plan might in my opinion lead to chaos on the field and the possible ramifications of an unclear chain of command will i think impact relations btwn players in the side. What if factions emerge?
ReplyDeletePlayers supporting one captain over the other.. too many cook's seems to be the most apt cliche..
I am not sure how Slaverukh Khan is suddenly qualified to put down Sunny but, clearly child-like pettyness and an attitude of "Its my house i will do what i want" are not beyond the badshah of bollyshite...
He (slaverukh) seemed incapable of handling critisism and further more was not even capable of being man enough to say that it an experiment and therefore may or may not work, i would have excepted that. It is sport and sometimes u take chance, and if that decision proves to be the wrong one stand up and be accountable. Clearly venting like a spoilt brat seemed to be the option chosen by Slaverukh... Wrong choice in my opinion..
forgive the shit grammar in the above comment...
ReplyDeleteit is an experiment
sometimes u take a chance
I absolutely love anonymous's last comment. I was appalled at Shahrukh's childish and disrespectful retorts...just who the *#$% does he think he is?? and do we have no place in this country, that has made him king, for uncompromised opinions based on facts and experience?? Money don't buy everything Mr SRK...the game is bigger (we hope)