The Great Indian Laughter Election- The SP Manifesto Episode

Dear Friends,
If you are feeling down and depressed and need something to cheer you up, don't bother with re-runs of Friends and Seinfeld. Just pick up a paper and read the great manifesto that the Samajwadi Party (SP) has laid out for India. I guarantee that you will laugh till it hurts. As far as howlers go, this one is an all time classic.
To conclude, I realized that this might be one of the last few blogs that I write. In fact it may be one of the last few things you read on the internet and on your computer. It's not that I don't enjoy writing these blogs, surfing the internet and having email, its just that if the Samajwadi Party has its way, I wont be allowed all these pleasures.
While most political manifestos and policies aim to move the country forward, this is the first one I remember reading about that aims to move the country backward. To sum it up, the party is against computers and mechanized farming. They want to abolish the use of english in education, administration and the judiciary and my personal favorite abolish stock trading.
Computers create unemployment, is the logic of Shri Mulayam Singh Yadav, the party's national president. He said that where computers are not necessary things should be done manually as it would lead to job creation. The party has used the same logic of computers on mechanised farming.
While against computers, the party still has a website, which I am assuming was created on a computer. What a waste of an opportunity Mr. Yadav, so many jobs could have been created if you and your party had the vision before creating a website. Let me explain. Instead of the website the party could have printed its message and other information in a booklet. This would have boosted jobs in the printing industry, the paper industry and the ink industry. Then, they could have hand delivered these to every household in the country. This would have generated lakhs of jobs across the country for the delivery and courier industry and the national post office. After reading the party's manifesto most people would have thrown it in the trash (where it belongs), which would have created jobs in the sanitation department of so many municipal corporations that are responsible for clearing out the garbage.
While we are at it we should ban washing machines for helping local dhobi's. To boost employment at petrol pumps we can remove those machines that tell us how many liters have been pumped in to a car. Instead we can just have people pouring petrol in to one liter cans and filling cars liter by liter. Why do we need electronic sewing machines for our garment industry? So many people can be hired to sew clothes.......Alright, I think you got the point.
The banning of english is another classic one. In the next 25 years China and India are going to compete for business from around the world. The one major advantage India has is that it is years ahead of China in terms of its english speaking population, at least for the moment. China has realized this difference and to catch up to India they are employing thousands of english teachers every year. Instead of capitalizing on our advantage the party suggests we take a step behind. Hmm....interesting, a step BEHIND. We have to hand it to the SP for being unique.
I would love to write on the ban on stock trading but I end up laughing too much and it becomes difficult to type.
But friends, here is the scary part. In the upcoming elections, this strategy might actually work. No matter how ridiculous the ideas may seem, the truth is, no news agency, poll, or newspaper can tell us how the rural population will react to these policies. If political history teaches us anything, it is that in politics, you just never know. If the SP does win and implements these policies, book your tickets and head elsewhere. Just remember, you wont be able to book your tickets online.
To conclude, I realized that this might be one of the last few blogs that I write. In fact it may be one of the last few things you read on the internet and on your computer. It's not that I don't enjoy writing these blogs, surfing the internet and having email, its just that if the Samajwadi Party has its way, I wont be allowed all these pleasures.
I agree with you, the manifesto is hilarious for how regressive and hypocritical it is. However, it is also scary for similar reasons, since a scenario where the SP comes to power or wields considerable power as part of an alliance government is all to real to dismiss.
ReplyDeleteI heard about their manifesto over the weekend as well. It really is a joke. But like you said SP might actually win / or at least be part of a coalition which makes it oh-so-not-funny. I really think our political system sometimes is the undoing. Coalition politics always makes room for (smaller)parties with varying and idiotic agendas to be part of the mainstream and wield disproportionate power.
ReplyDeleteSpeaking of Manifestos not like the Big Parties manifestos are any less of a joke. Its quite a useless excercize as their manifesto's too are likely to be diluted or warped in accordance with the coalition they form.
I wish we had a presidential system sometimes we vote for who leads us and not the party. There would be not contest.
Also, the website has an ENGLISH version. If they ban English education then who will make their website?
ReplyDeleteMaybe we should all start learning how to write with good old pens and pencils again... you know, back to the dark ages.
The mamifesto of the SP is definitely ridiculous. If, in all chances, SP wins, India is going to go back 50 years from now. I just don't understand 1 thing - HOW CAN THE SP ROLL OUT SUCH A LUDICROUS MANIFESTO???
ReplyDeleteWho are the heroes in our country? the ones young people look up to in terms of standing, vision, integrity? Year after year the only people who top India's "Hero" polls are Bollywood movie stars (not the Sean Penn variety) & businessmen (not the Bill Gates variety). Of these most notably we have not 1 but 3 Bacchans, an undertrial Dutt and Mr. Anil Ambani. What links them? Their united support of SP to the point of including non-DNA members into their respective families. These are our role models and this is why the SP can roll out such a ludicrous manifesto - In this great India - ANYTHING goes and EVERYTHING has a price. Lets spread the word even about our "Heroes" - all that glitters is NOT gold.
ReplyDeleteSure the sp Manifetsto is crazy but why can't we convince are new soon to be elected leaders to insist that the Maharashtra govt prints electricity bill govt Forms etc in English as well.
ReplyDeleteMust they be in constant denialof our existence & that there is a sizeable chunk of peole who don't necessarily spk the local lingo (especially the foreigners who are encouraged to invest their moolah ) and we english speaking & educated untouchables also need to read what we pay for.