Some really random thoughts with no real focus 1

Read some stories in the paper today found them quite amusing and confusing. Wrote up some random thoughts on them. Hope you find them as amusing and confusing as I did. Karuna's fast Alright this might be mean and silly because it was "supposedly for a good cause", but did anyone else find Karunanidhi's 6 hour fast hilarious? If you see the pictures in the TOI you might see the humor in it. Now, I am not debating whether this fast was for a good cause or whether it was a political move to get votes. What I do think is that it was down right hilarious. Picture this if you will (and read it in a suspense filled tone). It is 6 am, Karunanidhi, a pretty "healthy" man (ok fine he is fat) lays down, as if he is Mahatma Gandhi, on a bed, ready to sacrifice his life for the Tamil's. The tension in the air is sickening. He is surrounded by his family and supporters all hoping that he will break his fast or that the violence in Sri Lanka will be halted, else thi...