The Importance of Distinguishing Mental Health vs. Mental Fitness in Sports

Mental Health is a serious issue. It was historically neglected and the global movement to bring awareness of its impact is long overdue. 

Naomi Osaka and Simone Biles recent decisions to pull out of major competitions have brought mental health front and centre in the sports world. 

An athlete is expected to perform to the peak of their ability at the highest level of competition. Four factors that could enable or derail them from achieving this are 

1) Physical Health
2) Physical Fitness
3) Mental Health
4) Mental Fitness

Physical Health- Injuries- These can be diagnosed with X-rays, MRIs, CT Scans. 

Physical Fitness- Stamina, weight, muscle strength, BMI, hydration, nutrition etc. 

Mental Health- Depression, Anxiety, Stress etc. 

Mental Fitness- Ability to manage pressure, expectations, focus and also anxiety and stress. 

A low level of Physical Fitness can sometimes lead to Physical Health Issues

A low level of Mental Fitness can sometimes lead to Mental Health Issues. 

The difference between Physical Health and Physical Fitness is easier to differentiate. 

With Mental Health and Mental Fitness it gets tricky. I for one, haven't figure it out.

The way I see it, and please correct me if I am wrong, there is a fine line between the two, when it comes to sports.

Let me give you a few examples.

Anxiety- Every athlete gets anxious before a tournament, event, big match, final etc. How they manage the anxiety, or in some of cases 'use' the anxiety as a tool to focus, enables them to either perform at their peak or crumble. The player or team becomes, in common terms, a 'clutch' performer or a 'choker'. 

When the anxiety moves beyond a certain point it transforms from being a Mental Fitness issue to a Mental Health issue. What is this point of transformation? Can it be measured? 

Pressure- Every athlete feels pressure. How much pressure? That is impossible to know. Pressure is something that is internal- you can't actually see pressure. It is not visible, measurable or tangible. Since it is an internal emotion and not physically applied, it is, in a way, self inflicted and therefore must be self managed.

If I slip and break a leg and cannot play a sport, it is external, and cannot be managed. I have to wait till the fracture heals.

However, if the media and my fans say that I am the favourite to win or lose-  I can choose whether these expectations act as pressure, motivation, belief, stress or anxiety. The choice is mine on how to react to it. No fan or journalist has the ability to apply pressure. I admit, it is not easy to manage, but I can learn how to do it. 

When the pressure moves beyond a certain point it transforms from being a Mental Fitness issue to a Mental Health issue. Again, what is this point of transformation? 

Simone Biles said last week that she pulled out because of Mental Health issues. Today, we learned that she plans to compete in the Beam event. Do mental health issues get cured so fast? The fact that she pulled out of a TEAM event indicated that it must be a serious mental health issue. Less than a week later she is ready?

To me this sounds like a Mental Fitness issue that was sorted out. Like sore muscles (physical fitness), which are worked on by a physiotherapist and are now ok. Again, I am happy to be corrected.

Why is it important to distinguish Mental Fitness and Mental Health? Do you really need me to explain? 

The reason we need to distinguish Mental Health and Mental Fitness is that if we start applauding and glorifying athletes who withdraw due to Mental Fitness issues then we are building a generation of the 'Super Mollycoddled'. What is the message we are sending? If you feel too much pressure then you can withdraw and we will declare you a hero? 

Just as an athlete is expected to be Physically Fit they are expected to be Mentally Fit. If you want to be the best at any sport, whether you like it or not, it comes with pressure, commitments and expectations. If we teach the next generation that being mentally fit is not important, we are heading down the wrong path. 

The superior athlete is one who at the toughest of moments can block out all their mental obstacles while  summoning their physical prowess, muscle memory and instinct to come to the surface and take over. 

Mental Health is different from Mental Fitness. Mental Health is a serious issue and needs to be treated or it will get worse. 

As this topic gets discussed and dissected, how fans and the media distinguishes Mental Health vs Mental Fitness will lay the foundation and message for future generations. It is imperative that we make this distinction or else we could create a generation of athletes that will continuously fold or pull out for the wrong reasons. More importantly, it will hurt the progress of actual Mental Health awareness. 

The list of athletes pulling out will only get longer in the coming months. My request to the media and fans is that when you read about it, try and distinguish on whether it is Mental Health or Mental Fitness. The distinction is crucial for sending the right message to future generations. 

Photo Credit Naomi Osaka
Photo Credit Simon Biles


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