Redefining The Word 'Talent'

--> What if we defined talent differently in sports? What if instead of using the standard definition of talent, which is traditionally based on the physical abilities of an athlete we start giving weightage to the ‘mental’ strength of the individual? How would this new definition change the way we look at sportspersons? Let’s try it on for size. If we are adding an individual’s ‘mental’ abilities to the definition of talent we probably need to define what we mean by ‘mental’ abilities? Is it the ability to perform under moments of pressure? Yes. That definitely is a factor. Hitting sixes and boundaries in the last over of a match, raising your game when it is 4-4 in the fifth set of a tennis match and of course lining up to kick a penalty. This mental ability to perform when it counts the most, is a skill and talent that only the best in the business have had over the years. But this only makes up a small part of an athletes mental ability. The second par...